Financial gift helps prevent seasonal slump in blood donations

With a shelf life of just 42 days, blood is always in demand, but summer and winter months can be notoriously difficult times for recruiting donors.
Vacation and seasonal holidays can often disrupt people’s regular donation cycle and lead to a notable decline in donations – but whether its someone fighting cancer, or requiring lifesaving transfusions following a car accident, the need for blood and blood products remains constant.
Thanks to the financial support of Enterprise Holdings Foundation and its employees, Canadian Blood Services was able to ensure that this year’s summer heat didn’t mean a cooling-off period for blood donations in southern Ontario.
The organization’s generous gift enabled Canadian Blood Services to run a targeted campaign that helped to promote blood donation and successfully recruit new donors during traditionally slower periods. Following enhanced advertising on television, radio and through mobile signage around the community, the region began experiencing more consistent pre-booking for blood donor appointments.
“We’re always looking for ways to reach, engage and inspire new donors to join Canada’s Lifeline,” says Janet Sullivan, associate director, donor relations, Ontario & Nunavut.
“Thanks to the gift our region received from Enterprise Holdings Foundation last spring, we were able to attract and invite many new donors to come out and give blood – and were able to keep a strong and healthy inventory level as a result!”
Generous financial donors like Enterprise play a critical role in connecting patients with the lifesaving blood and blood products they need, when they need them. This vital support helps Canadian Blood Services to recruit the 100,000 new blood donors required each year to keep pace with demand.
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