
Share your story in a few easy steps

Just fill out the form, review and submit. You can add your own image or choose a graphic from our library.

Not sure how to begin? Check out our “thought starters” first, for ideas to help you frame your story in a powerful way. We review and post as many submissions as we can at blood.ca/mystory. We may also contact you with questions.




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Your last name and email address will not appear in your published submission. 

We may share your story on social media. If you would like to be tagged, please provide your handles. 

Thought starters

I'm a recipient (or their parent or guardian)
  • What were you being treated for?
  • How essential was a donor, or donors, to your treatment? Why?
  • How is life different after your treatment(s)?
  • What can you do now that you never thought you would when you were ill?
  • What do you value most about the second chance donation gave you?
  • Has the donation you received had ripple effects beyond you, such as to your family or community? Describe that.
  • If you could speak with your donor(s) what would you tell them, or ask them?
  • What does Canada’s Lifeline mean to you?
I’m a donor
  • In what way(s) have you chosen to donate?
  • What/who inspired you to become a donor?
  • If you were motivated to join Canada’s Lifeline because of a recipient’s experience: what impact did a donor(s) have on their life? Or even on the lives of people beyond them — such as their family or community?
  • What does being part of Canada’s Lifeline mean to you?
Financial donors:
  • What makes financial giving/fundraising a good fit for you?
  • What do you want others to know about financial giving/fundraising for Canada’s Lifeline?
Stem cell donors (e.g. you were called to help a patient sometime after joining the registry):
  • How long after you registered were you contacted to donate?
  • How did you find the donation process?
  • How was your recovery?
  • If you could meet your recipient, what would you say to them?
  • If you have met your recipient, tell us about that experience, and what you’ve learned about the impact of your donation.
Living organ donors:
  • What did you donate?
  • How would you describe the donation experience?
  • If you have had contact with your recipient: What have you learned about the impact of the transplant on their life? Or even on the lives of people beyond them, such as their family or community?
Family member of a deceased organ donor:
  • What has it meant to your family, that your loved one could donate in this way to help others?
  • If you have had contact with the recipient(s), what impact has the transplant had on their life or lives? Or even on the lives of people beyond them, such as family or community?
I’m a partner
  • Describe your partnership with Canadian Blood Services.
  • How long have you been a partner?
  • What/who inspired your company/group to get involved with Canadian Blood Services?
  • Tell us about your company/group values.
  • If your partnership includes financial giving: what makes this a good fit for you?
I’m a volunteer
  • What/who inspired you to volunteer with Canadian Blood Services?
  • How long have you been a volunteer with us?
  • What’s your favourite part of volunteering with Canadian Blood Services? Tell us about your most memorable experiences volunteering with us.
  • If your volunteer commitment includes fundraising: What makes fundraising a good fit for you? What do you want others to know about this way of giving?

Story details

(10 to 400 words)

Media selection
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, svg.
Choose from our library