This winter #JoinTheLifeline: register as a stem cell donor

Each year, hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant to save their lives. Most people won’t find a match in their family and will rely on the kindness of a stranger to step up and register to become a donor. That’s why we’re happy to announce that in, February 2019, we will be working closely with our partners to promote stem cell registration. Together, we’ll be working to help encourage people aged 17-35 to get online, #GetSwabbed and join Canada’s Lifeline.
Check out the digital toolkit that we have created to help support this initiative. It’s full of social messaging, graphics and videos that you can use to help promote the need for stem cell registrants
Joining #CanadasLifeline is simple. Register online and Canadian Blood Services will send a swab kit right to your door. All you need to do is step up, get swabbed and you could help save a life.
Register now at
Patients are more likely to find a donor from within their own ancestral group, and stem cells from young men offer patients the better outcomes. That’s why we’re searching for men aged 17-35, from diverse backgrounds. Everyone who registers to donate is providing hope to patients who are waiting for a stem cell match in Canada and around the world.
Individuals who may not fit the criteria to register as an optimal stem cell donor can still play an important role in Canada’s Lifeline by donating blood, donating financially (Canadian Blood Services is a registered charity), flagging their intent to be organ donors or advocating on behalf of Canada’s blood system. Visit, download the GiveLife app or call 1-888-2-DONATE to learn more or to book an appointment.