KinCanada wins the National Partnership Award at National Honouring our Lifeblood event in Ottawa.

KinCanada National President Erin Thomson and National Projects Coordinator Christine Stahl receive the National Partnership Award on behalf of KinCanada
Kin Canada receives National Partner Award
Kin Canada is an all-Canadian service organization with 438 clubs and over 6000 members across the country. Kinsmen, Kinette, and Kin Clubs are dedicated to serving their communities’ greatest needs through service projects and fundraising for local and national programs. The roots of the organization’s involvement with the blood system date back to the 1960s when some members of the Kinsmen started donating. In 2014, Kin Canada joined the Partners for Life program. Now, Kin clubs are engaged in awareness activities, blood donation and support for organ and tissue donation. They’ve also designated March and October as their annual “Give Life” months. In 2017, Kin Canada pledged to collect 615 blood donations from its members, family and friends. They exceeded that goal by 164 per cent for a total of 1,010 units and have pledged to collect 725 donations in 2018. On September 7, KinCanada’s national president, Erin Thomson and national projects coordinator Christine Stahl accepted Canadian Blood Services Honouring our Lifeblood National Partner award.