Glyn Weir
British Columbia and Yukon
Donation has always been a rewarding experience for Glyn, as well as for Canadians across the country: in fact, in late 2013, Glyn made his 500th donation. Glyn first began giving whole blood for two reasons: to follow in his father’s footsteps, and to help replenish and give back to the system that had assisted his brother, a blood recipient.
Today, Glyn is a platelet donor, attending apheresis clinics every two weeks. For an 18-month period, he was matched to a specific patient in another part of the province, and made regular donations to support this one person. Glyn’s efforts did not go unnoticed: one day, he received a handwritten thank-you letter from the patient’s spouse, thanking him for giving the patient more time through his generous donations.
A high school teacher, Glyn has the opportunity to inspire many young new donors. He speaks with his students regularly about the importance of blood donation, and is sponsoring a school Blood Donor Club with 21 new donors this year.