Canadians asked to bring a friend to help replenish national blood supply

Recent appointment cancellations and no-shows leave donor chairs empty

September 18, 2014 (CANADA) – Canadian Blood Services is asking all eligible Canadians to donate blood this fall and to bring a friend to their next appointment. Higher than expected cancellations and no-shows over the past months have put extra pressure on the national blood supply.

This year, Canadian Blood Services has reported 133,000 appointment cancellations and 119,000 people missing their appointment entirely.

“When a donor does not attend a scheduled appointment many of them believe that someone else in the community will step forward and take their place,” says Mark Donnison, Canadian Blood Services vice-president of donor relations. “However, we are actually being faced with a number of empty donor chairs as we attempt to fill up last-minute cancellations.” 

Canadian Blood Services will need to fill an additional 78,000 appointments by the end of October to meet the anticipated demand.

“If this current trend continues we would be concerned that regular hospital demand would put a strain on our national inventory. To help fill empty donor chairs, we are encouraging Canadians to invite a friend and welcome new donors into the network,” says Donnison.

Here’s how you can make a difference and help save a life:

  • Book, keep and save your next appointment.
  • Invite a friend, family member or coworker. Almost all first time donors bring a friend, and it is a great way to support each other and make it a social event.

Canadian Blood Services now has free wireless internet at select clinics for those who want to Skype in some moral support or book their next appointment using the GiveBlood app.

To book an appointment with someone in your community today, download the GiveBlood app, visit or call 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236 6283) today.

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