Plasma donation gets a big boost from RBC

RBC employees hold a cheque to Canadian Blood Services in a donor centre

From left to right: Beth Shumka, Art Monahan, Courtney Hesse, Margaret Morrison, Janna Pantella, Martin Thibodeau and Ray Warren participate in a cheque presentation at Canadian Blood Services’ plasma donor centre in Kelowna, B.C., on July 14, 2022.  

Every year, a number of RBC employees from coast to coast volunteer their time to give blood and plasma by participating in the Partners for Life program. In Kelowna, B.C., the impact of RBC employees was boosted by their employer — every hour spent volunteering to donate plasma was matched by a corporate financial gift to Canadian Blood Services. 

The financial donation was presented to Canadian Blood Services by leaders and champions of RBC’s Partners for Life team in Kelowna on July 14, 2022. A total of $2,500 was donated in recognition of local RBC volunteers and their generosity.   

RBC employees have been donating plasma in Kelowna ever since Canadian Blood Services opened a permanent donor centre there in June 2021. Their strong and growing support is championed by passionate regional employees.  

For many RBC Partners for Life champions, the desire to encourage giving in the workplace comes from a personal connection. Margaret Morrison, who championed Kelowna’s Partner for Life team, first got introduced to Canada’s Lifeline as a blood donor when her friend needed blood products.  

“It means a great deal to support people who live, work and play in our communities,” says Margaret. “Being part of RBC’s Partners for Life team gives everyone who participates a sense of purpose. Whether donating blood [or] plasma, or turning our volunteer hours into financial donations, we know these efforts make a lifesaving difference for someone else.”  

Margaret’s evolving support, from giving blood to donating plasma, is a perfect example of RBC volunteers’ adaptability and willingness to support the needs of patients in new ways. The recent matching financial gift from their employer, to recognize the time spent volunteering to donate plasma, is one more way that their support is making a difference.  

When companies match the altruistic contributions of their employees with financial gifts or make corporate financial donations, as RBC has done for years, it helps Canadian Blood Services strengthen national programs for patients — from the recruitment needed today to the research leading to change tomorrow. 

The recent plasma donations and financial contributions of RBC’s employees build on more than two decades of support from RBC and its volunteers. Last year, volunteer RBC employees contributed more than 1,100 units of blood, plasma and platelets that went on to make a lifesaving difference for patients.   
