Image of Geoff Van Geem holding a pin while wearing a mask

Geoff van Geem

“I am thankful that someone took the opportunity 25 years ago to take me to my first donation,” says Geoff van Geem. “And now here I am on my 75th!”

Geoff lives in Durham Ont. He has been donating since his early twenties. He was encouraged to donate blood for the first time by a colleague and he’s kept coming back ever since.

Image of Paul and his mum sitting on a couch

Paul Bourgeois

“For me, donating blood is an easy way to give back,” says Paul Bourgeois. “It gives me a good feeling to know I can do something to help someone.”

Paul is from Victoria, B.C. He just celebrated his 100th blood donation which he dedicated in honour of his mother’s service to others. This event also coincided with her 100th birthday.

Image of blood donor Allen Veal holding up a My Reasons sign while sitting in a chair donating blood at the Charlottetown, PEI donor centre

Allen Veal

“It is such a simple act and the impact is immeasurable,” says Allen Veal of Charlottetown, P.E.I. “I am so proud to do my part.”

In recent years, Allen has seen, firsthand, the impact of his donation with his infant granddaughter requiring open-heart surgery to survive. Throughout his lifetime, he has donated 1,000 times, impacting countless lives.