A milestone birthday for Jack
Earlier this month, Jack Uger celebrated his 90th birthday surrounded by nearly 100 of his closest family and friends. A longstanding ambassador for Canadian Blood Services, Jack has been involved with the organization since 1984, first as a blood donor with the Red Cross, and most recently as a clinic volunteer.

“My party was organized by my family and at first we said no gifts,” said Jack. “People wanted to give gifts anyways, so I suggested that if they really wanted to give a gift, they could make one to Canadian Blood Services.”
Jack, a supporter of Canadian Blood Services for over three decades, was able to use his milestone birthday as an opportunity for others to support a cause close to his heart.
Jack first became involved with Canadian Blood Services in 1998 after donating blood at a clinic in North York. Following his retirement from the Toronto Transportation Commission 36 years ago, Jack became even more committed to the organization, volunteering at various clinics in his area.

Today at 90, Jack is as philanthropic as ever and, when he’s not playing golf or watching the New York Rangers play, he is actively involved in organizing mobile clinics in the role of head convener for the North York region. As someone who has dedicated most of his retired years to Canadian Blood Services, Jack’s generosity of suggesting donations in lieu of gifts is a creative way to support the organization’s fundraising efforts.
“I work with a talented group of volunteers. We’re the first ones donors see when they come, and the last ones they see when they leave.” said Jack. “I try to do everything I can do to make the clinic experience a positive one, and it’s great to hear how fundraising supports donor clinics.”
Funds raised from events like Jack’s birthday go to support research in the area of transfusion and transplantation medicine, help improve donor clinics and recruit new donors, and will fund special initiatives like the development of the cord blood bank.
If you know anyone celebrating a milestone occasion or would like to start your own crowd-funding effort, click here to learn about the various ways you can help Canadian patients with financial giving.