Give 3 in 2023: Cameron, blood recipient

December 19, 2022
Teen blood recipient with golf clubs at golf course

After blood donors helped him survive childhood leukemia, Cameron is thriving as a teen

Cameron spent more than a third of his life fighting cancer. And he beat it with help from donors, whose blood and platelets made it possible for his body to endure so many difficult treatments. 

We’re proud to feature Cameron in a portrait series by celebrity photographer George Pimentel. It inaugurates our Give 3 in 2023 challenge — a call to people across Canada to make three different kinds of contributions to Canadian Blood Services to support patients.  

But you don’t have to wait. You can start your challenge today. There are so many ways to make all the difference. Donating blood or plasma, hosting a stem cell swabbing event, and registering to donate organs and tissues are just a few.   

Your first step could even be to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and TikTok. Share stories like Cameron’s with friends and family, or tag @canadaslifeline in posts about your own #3in2023 journey. Together, we are Canada’s Lifeline.  

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