Canadian Blood Services research engineer applies network modelling techniques and mentorship skills to benefit Canada’s Lifeline

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Dr. Emily Freeman

Dr. John Blake is a research engineer at Canadian Blood Services and a Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at Dalhousie University. Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Dr. Blake and his trainees use engineering principles and various computer-based optimization techniques to inform large scale decisions at Canadian Blood Services.  

Applying network modelling to biologics  

To some, it may be surprising to learn that there is such opportunity to integrate engineering into the health-care focused setting of Canadian Blood Services. However, as Dr. Blake explains, the same engineering principles that apply to the development and quality assurance of other products also apply to biologics such as blood, stem cells and organs. One of these classic engineering approaches currently applied to improving operations at Canadian Blood Services is network modelling.  

Network modelling is a computer-based method that creates a virtual representation of objects and their relation to each other. The resulting models are particularly useful for maintaining adaptability in the collection of blood donations, as well as the distribution and inventory management strategies that allow Canadian Blood Services to remain a safe and reliable provider of life-saving products. 

Dr. John Blake with dogs outdoors
Dr. Blake making friends while walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain

Contributing to efficiency and sustainability in Canada’s Lifeline  

For Dr. Blake’s team, modelling is not about the data acquired but rather how they can turn existing data into real life change. Part of this approach is ensuring that Canadian Blood Services is asking the right questions when it comes to allocating resources. For example, Dr. Blake has worked on models to assess how changing stem cell donor recruitment will affect the number of matches for Canadian patients. By modelling things such as recruitment approaches, Dr. Blake’s work assists Canadian Blood Services to consistently identify ways to improve Canada’s Lifeline.

Recently, Dr. Blake has also been applying this method to optimize the number and location of mobile and permanent donor facilities across the nation. This redesign of the donation facility network will address the growing demand for donations by bringing Canadian Blood Services’ facilities closer to the donors. 

“I have waited my entire career for a problem of this type – it is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

Dr. John Blake, Canadian Blood Services Research Engineer

Securing the future of Canada’s Lifeline  

To sustain a safe and effective blood system in Canada for years to come, network modelling and optimization is a never-ending process. This is one of the reasons that Dr. Blake is committed to securing the future of transfusion and transplantation systems by training and mentoring the next generation of engineers. In fact, seeing his former students join Canadian Blood Services and dedicate their talents to improving the future of Canada’s Lifeline is one of Dr. Blake’s proudest achievements.  

One of Dr. Blake’s former students, Matt Nelson, is now an industrial engineer at Canadian Blood Services.  

“In my role, I use systematic thinking to build and run complex models; collect and analyze the required data; produce useful results; and explain these results to non-technical leaders on a regular basis,” Matt says. Recently, Matt contributed to the launch and expansion of pathogen-reduced platelets, a new product that was implemented across Canadian Blood Services production sites starting in 2022. The implementation of pathogen-reduced platelets has provided an additional layer of safety for recipients by reducing the risk of potential transfusion-transmitted pathogens without compromising the quality of the component. Matt credited Dr. Blake in helping him develop the necessary skills he now dedicates to safeguarding Canada’s Lifeline:  

“Dr. Blake was the professor who introduced me to the uses of simulation to understand complex non-linear systems. This type of system is very common in situations that have a lot of variability – like the blood system – and simulation allows for exploration of the response of the system to changes.” 

Matt Nelson, Canadian Blood Services Industrial Engineer

Over the years, Dr. Blake’s ongoing modelling work and mentorship activities have also led to many recognitions and awards, but he is most proud of being recognized as Professor of the Year by Dalhousie Undergraduate students, and with awards for his contributions to the Canadian Operational Research Society. He has even the earned the distinction of being Dalhousie’s first engineer to be awarded grant funding from the tri-council agency, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). 

“I am proud to work on projects that have a measurable impact on people’s health and well-being,” Dr. Blake says. “I am forever grateful to Dr. Dana Devine for first giving me the opportunity to serve Canadians in this role at Canadian Blood Services.” 

Canadian Blood Services – Driving world-class innovation

Through discovery, development and applied research, Canadian Blood Services drives world-class innovation in blood transfusion, cellular therapy and transplantation—bringing clarity and insight to an increasingly complex healthcare future. Our dedicated research team and extended network of partners engage in exploratory and applied research to create new knowledge, inform and enhance best practices, contribute to the development of new services and technologies, and build capacity through training and collaboration. Find out more about our research impact.   

The opinions reflected in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Canadian Blood Services nor do they reflect the views of Health Canada or any other funding agency.  

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