The Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache MerB’ys fish for donors in St. John’s.

“The Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache Club was proud to partner with Canadian Blood Services to adopt a donor centre. The staff at Canadian Blood Services made it easy for us to work with them and get this event off the ground. We look forward to doing this again soon.”
Jeff Hillyard
Vice President
Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache Club
The Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache Club was formed in 2017 to promote a positive image for facial hair while supporting local community groups and charities. Since its inception, it has raised hundreds of thousand dollars through the sale of their 2018 MerB’ys calendar. This summer, Canadian Blood Services was pleased to welcome them as one of our newest awareness partners. On August 18th, the MerB’ys were literally fishing for donors in St. John’s. Their great efforts produced amazing success as the event achieved 175% of its daily collection target.