My experience donating stem cells

In 2022, I made a profound decision to join the stem cell registry, driven by a deep sense of compassion and a desire to make a difference in someone's life. Just a couple of months later I received the life-altering call: I was identified as a potential match for an individual urgently in need of a stem cell donation. 

Without hesitation, I embarked on the journey of donation, filled with a profound sense of purpose and gratitude for the opportunity to potentially save a life. Throughout the process, the Canadian Blood Services team provided exceptional care and support, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience. Witnessing the impact of my donation on someone else's life was both humbling and awe-inspiring, reinforcing my belief in the transformative power of selfless acts of kindness. 

This experience has not only deepened my connection to a broader community but has also ignited a fervent passion to advocate for the vital importance of stem cell donation. About a year after donating, I received  confirmation of the recipient's continued survival, a poignant reminder of the enduring impact of generosity and solidarity. Join the Stem Cell Registry because you have the chance to impact someone’s life!


Leamington, Ontario

Stem cell donor at the beach with sunglasses