I started in high school and it was weirdly popular

I am 28 years old and have just recently signed up to be a stem cell donor, why? My friends wanted to do it and you save a life, we always have fun with the process. Make a day of it. It started out by being a joke between us goth kids, that we would go and donate blood. Our school offered the seniors and those who were eligible and set it up in our library. We Twilight, Queen of the Damned, Interview with the Vampire loving tweens had to do it. It was so fun, the swishing of the bag, heat from the line, the color. People all around quizzing, talking about stories, asking questions to the nurses. My favorite question I asked was "What was your favorite donor horror story?" Perfectly on brand. The nice nurse told me, "There was a lady that would donate even though she was scared and would faint sometimes. She would make herself uncomfortable over and over in front of others to save someone." That put it into perspective for me, I've seen it first hand people can be so brave to face there fears. I still donate blood, when my friends and I get together. Maybe it's silly but, it still feels so adult so much fun.


Cornwall, Ontario

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