My name is Dee. 5 years ago i gave birth to my son at mcmaster hospital a little earlier then planned, he was premature by 3 months.
I had an emergency cesarean and following that was when my life changed forever.
I had a blood hemorrhage while in recovery and I am grateful everyday for the doctors and nurses who took care of me and advocated for me.
I recieved multiple blood transfusions that saved my life. I ended up losing my kidney function from the blood loss and now receive dialysis treatments 3-4 times a week.
During these 5 years I have met the most amazing, strong, and the most insightful people who taught me to be thankful for all I have received, and that's including blood transfusions. I also work with some of the most amazing people who donate on a regular basis and I thank them often on behalf of everyone who has received a blood transfusion.
I hope who ever reads this is thinking about how without someone giving their blood that many people would not survive procedures, accidents, and those who have medical conditions needing these transfusions.
Thank you to everyone who donates, because of you my son and I survived one of the most scariest moments of our lives.
I get to wake up another day because of this special gift given by some of the most giving people in the world and I'm so thankful.
Blood infusion saved my life
Hamilton, Ontario