Autumn's Inspiration

Autumn is our amazing, courageous, beautiful and resilient 6-year-old daughter, who, in February of 2022, was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic High-Risk Neuroblastoma, a form of paediatric cancer that affects her nervous system. After suffering through numerous rounds of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, surgeries and radiation (just to name a few), we were informed by her oncologists in October 2022 that Autumn only had months left to live.

Autumn has received over 18 blood transfusions since her diagnosis, and because of generous blood donors, Autumn is still alive today.

Team Autumn was created to not only raise awareness to neuroblastoma, but also to raise awareness and convince others to go and donate blood. We have been able to participate and run many blood drives ever since Autumn was diagnosed, and we plan on continuing these for as long as we can.

Karl Michael

Guelph, Ontario

Child receiving blood transfusion