177 finally...

177. It was three long years between donations 176 and 177.

When I was first cleared of cancer on November 17, 2020, you had to wait until you had been cancer-free for at least five years in order to donate blood again. But out of curiosity, because they change policies all the time, I recently checked the Canadian Blood Services website. I learned they had changed the restriction so that many people who have survived cancer can donate after just one year. So I immediately called and made an appointment.

I am so so blessed that I’m able to give blood again. Thank God I’m healthy, I eat very well, and I take care of myself by exercising every single day.

At this point, like I say every year on the cancer-free day and every time I give blood, please, please (I truly hope everyone listens to this!) take care to get all your recommended health screenings, whether it’s a colonoscopy, PAP test, mammogram, bone density test or PSA test. Because I had a PSA test, my prostate cancer was detected early enough that it could be fully removed through surgery, and I didn’t have to have chemotherapy or radiation. Thank God.

What I’m most grateful for, of course, is my family and my friends. If my cancer hadn’t been found early, I most likely wouldn’t have met my beautiful granddaughter Maci (who just turned two this past week), nor would I have met Pinchas or Maya, my sweet, beautiful four-legged kids.

Finally, as I say all the time, please donate blood if you can. It’s in you to give…it’s the gift of life. Thank you. God bless everyone.


Barrie, Ontario

Blood donor in front of sign that says Somewhere in Canada there's a life you can save