Global Okanagan (part of Corus Entertainment)


B.C. and Yukon

"It is now so much easier and faster to give blood than ever before — and we wanted to demonstrate that. Shelby had never given blood before, so we showed her going through the whole streamlined process. It was credible and informative."

As a long-time partner of Canadian Blood Services, the Global Okanagan television team plays a valued role in Canada’s Lifeline.

Health issues affecting local citizens are of utmost importance to Global Okanagan. Over the years, the news organization has offered support from donating blood, to adopting clinics and inviting the community, to providing news coverage and free public service campaigns.

“Because we live in a major tourist area, our population increases like crazy during the summer months — and so does the need for blood in our region,” says Barbara Vanstone, senior writer/producer. “It’s during those times that we want our public to be aware of that need and what they can do to help.”

Global Okanagan has generously created promotional community public service announcements and promotional videos at no cost. This year the team filmed reporter Shelby Thom’s first blood donation, wrote a script; and produced an informative 30-second community promo, which was recently nominated for a British Columbia Association of Broadcasters Community Service Award.

Global Okanagan National Honouring Canada's Lifeline 2019