Danielle Babin
During her career as a nurse in Chisasibi, a small community along the eastern shore of James Bay in northern Quebec, Danielle Babin supported countless patients undergoing transplants or receiving dialysis. Her support for patients in need became profoundly personal when she learned that a woman in her community needed a kidney transplant. In the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, she decided to start the process with Hotel Dieu de Quebec, to become a living kidney donor. While she was not a match for the woman in her area, she continued the process and donated her kidney anonymously, as she believed her donation would have a positive impact not just on one recipient, but on every life that recipient touched. For Ms. Babin, donating her kidney was an accomplishment, a personal life project, and she never expected any recognition for it. Her deep values of self-giving and sharing fueled her gift of ultimate generosity in support of Canada’s Lifeline and patients.