Gregg Dalling
Representing New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador and Prince Edward Island
Gregg, a long-time blood and plasma donor, registered to be a stem cell donor in 1997. It would not be until the next millennium that he was identified as a match for a patient. Gregg never hesitated to accommodate the transplant centre’s urgent timelines although he worked full-time and had to travel 2.5 hours to Halifax for the required pre-donation medical workup. And when helearned that additional blood tests were required of him as the patient’s conditioning regimen was to begin, Gregg took it upon himself to contact his physician and stress the urgency of having the tests done quickly. Since his donation, Gregg has inspired others to join the registry, including a colleague and both his sons. The recipient, who Gregg keeps in touch with by email, is doing well and will be turning 60 this year.