
Norman Bethune Symposium 2022 – trainee reports

Thursday, June 02, 2022
The 11th annual Centre for Blood Research Norman Bethune Symposium was held on April 6, 2022. With a focus on recent research advances in bleeding and thrombosis, the symposium engages scientists and clinicians at all levels of training.

The value of qualitative research

Friday, May 20, 2022
In this week’s post, three Master’s students describe how their research interviewing young adults about blood donation policies helped them understand the real value of qualitative research. Their insights highlight the value of this type of research to inform Canadian Blood Services as the organization looks to evolve donor screening approaches and engage more young people - the blood donors of the future.

Lay Science Writing Competition runner up: Queer identity and blood donation

Thursday, May 12, 2022
Read graduate student Jaya Rastogi’s entry to this year’s “Science behind the scenes” Lay Science Writing Competition. In an entry that identified high school students as the audience, Jaya describes their research to understand the perspectives of young adults on sex and gender questions asked during blood donor screening. The entry was awarded third place in this year’s competition.

Lay Science Writing Competition runner up: The greatest tool in research 

Thursday, April 28, 2022
Read undergraduate student Parth Patel’s entry to this year’s “Science behind the scenes” Lay Science Writing Competition. His heartfelt piece, which was targeted towards a public audience and ultimately earned him second place in the competition, pays homage to what he describes as research’s greatest tools – his lab mates and colleagues.

Nominations open for the Lifetime Achievement Award 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022
Consider submitting a nomination for this prestigious award that recognizes individuals whose landmark contributions are recognized as both extraordinary and world class in the field of transfusion or transplantation medicine, stem cell or cord blood research in Canada and/or abroad. You have until May 16, 2022 to get your nominations in!

Lay Science Writing Competition Winner: What does it take to make a life-saving drug?

Thursday, April 21, 2022
Read the entry that was awarded first place in this year’s “Science behind the scenes” Lay Science Writing Competition! Congratulations to the winner, graduate student Alexandra Witt. She identified high school students as her target audience and wrote an engaging piece that sheds light on the questions scientists ask when developing a new drug.

Investigating envelope viruses: Tissue factor clotting research earns a first-ranked CIHR Project Grant

Thursday, April 14, 2022
Could clues to the successful treatment of some of the world’s most challenging viral infections come from understanding how viruses interact with our body’s clot-creating proteins? Dr. Ed Pryzdial and his laboratory team at the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) have dedicated research efforts to answering questions like this; efforts that have recently earned funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Product resiliency: future-proofing our product portfolio

Thursday, March 31, 2022
Dr. Cyrus Eduljee, associate director of portfolio management at Canadian Blood Services, explains how his group’s work supports the organization in bringing new products to the shelves and the importance of ensuring the organization is well prepared to withstand future shocks.

Revisiting cold-stored platelets: An effort to improve patient care and storage feasibility 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
This post was written by Marie-Soleil Smith, PhD Candidate in Dr. Hélène Côté’s Lab at the University of British Columbia, and edited by Dr. Geraldine Walsh, knowledge broker at Canadian Blood Services. It originally appeared on the Centre for Blood Research blog in March 2022.

Science behind the scenes: Lay Science Writing Competition winners announced

Friday, March 18, 2022
The Canadian Blood Services Lay Science Writing Competition supports our trainee network to develop communication skills by challenging them to showcase their research using plain language.