Abby Wolfe

Investigating envelope viruses: Tissue factor clotting research earns a first-ranked CIHR Project Grant

Thursday, April 14, 2022
Could clues to the successful treatment of some of the world’s most challenging viral infections come from understanding how viruses interact with our body’s clot-creating proteins? Dr. Ed Pryzdial and his laboratory team at the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) have dedicated research efforts to answering questions like this; efforts that have recently earned funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

Understanding the red cell antigen genotyping report: New online resources for healthcare professionals

Tuesday, March 08, 2022
Red cell antigen genotyping is an important tool for healthcare providers in the development of transfusion strategies for patients, though the reports can be complex to interpret. New resources on Canadian Blood Services’ Professional Education website will assist healthcare providers in interpreting these reports, in addition to the support available from the National Immunohematology Reference Laboratory (NIRL).

A QUEST for answers about albumin use in cardiac care

Friday, January 21, 2022
New findings from University of Toronto’s QUEST research program analyze the impact of albumin on patient outcomes after cardiac surgery, suggesting routine albumin use in this patient group may need to be re-examined.