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294 News items showing

Canadian Blood Services takes formal stand against hate

Tuesday, August 29, 2017
News release
Individuals or groups who identify as belonging to a hate group – with apparel, signage or verbally – will be turned away (OTTAWA) – Canadian Blood Services is reminding Canadians that it will not tolerate the use of its locations or of the altruistic act of the gift of blood to propagate hateful

Donors across Canada needed to fill 25,000 appointments before Labour Day

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
News release
Somewhere in Canada, a patient needs a blood transfusion every 60 seconds (OTTAWA) – When the call for help goes out to Canadians, they respond. Canadian Blood Services saw that well-known Canadian value come to life earlier this summer as it worked to rebuild what was then a precarious inventory of

New Calgary clinic now open

Friday, July 21, 2017
Our Calgary permanent donor clinic has relocated to 200 Barclay Parade SW.

Canadian generosity in full display at Canadian Blood Services clinics

Tuesday, July 04, 2017
News release
Patient care takes no summer vacation; the need for blood remains (OTTAWA) – Canadian Blood Services is extending thanks to Canadian residents for the tremendous response to its urgent call for 60,000 donors by July 1. However, the need for blood remains. The national blood inventory is improving

Update: Critical need for donors continues as Canada’s supply of universal blood type dips beneath two days

Monday, June 19, 2017
(OTTAWA) – Throughout National Blood Donor Week from June 11 to 17, Canadian Blood Services urged Canadians to make an appointment to donate. More than 60,000 blood donors need to book appointments to donate by July 1 to ensure all patients have access to the blood and blood products they need. A

Critical need for blood donations in June

Monday, June 12, 2017
News release
Low blood inventory could cause issues for Canadian patients (OTTAWA) – National Blood Donor Week is typically a time to celebrate donors across the country. This year, however, Canadian Blood Services is focused on a critical need for blood donations and is urging Canadians to make an appointment

Canadian Blood Services launches new tool to engage young donors

Monday, June 05, 2017
News release
New chat bot a world’s first among national blood operators (OTTAWA) – Canadian Blood Services, together with EY, have announced a world’s first among national blood operators by introducing a chat bot to engage donors on Facebook Messenger. This new tool is another innovative effort to engage

Canadian Blood Services celebrates ground breaking for new operations facility

Friday, May 19, 2017
News release
Site to meet biologics manufacturing needs and better serve Canadian patients (CALGARY) – Canadian Blood Services welcomed over 70 invited guests to an official groundbreaking ceremony to mark the beginning of the construction phase of a new operations facility on Barlow Trail. After a move from its

Canada’s blood supply needs a boost before summer

Monday, May 15, 2017
News release
Inventory of blood needs an injection of 150,000 donations by July 1 With summer’s unofficial kick-off approaching this May long weekend, Canadian Blood Services is calling on all eligible Canadians to roll up their sleeves for patients. Canadian Blood Services boosts the blood supply every spring