Organ donation a priority for Saskatchewan

(OTTAWA) – Canadian Blood Services is pleased to see that increased investment in organ donation in Saskatchewan was outlined in the speech from the throne on October 25.

Collaboratively, with provincial partners, we have identified key foundational elements required for a high performing donation system. The elements referenced in the throne speech are critical components. The jurisdictions in Canada that are seeing success in improving donation rates have adopted foundational elements such as mandatory referral of potential donors. This cooperative work continues to inform and guide national and provincial efforts to improve the organ donation system in Canada.


Excerpt from the  Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan – Speech from the Throne – October 25, 2017

"Saskatchewan’s rate of organ donations is low compared to the rest of Canada and many other countries. 

 Last year, my government asked the Legislature’s Standing Committee on Human Services to review the province’s current organ donation approach and recommend ways to increase the rate of donations.

During this session, my government will implement a new organ donation program, building on work undertaken by the Standing Committee.

The program will be led by donor physicians who will provide education and support to fellow health care providers and champion organ donations across the province.

My government will also expand the pool of donors by amending regulations to allow for a donation after cardio-circulatory death and by implementing a mandatory referral program."


Associated Links

Organ Donation and Transplantation in Canada – System Progress Report 2006–2015