Canadian Blood Services launches new

What a refreshed website means to Canadian media


November 4, 2014 (CANADA) – It’s the same URL, but what you’ll find at is completely refreshed.  Canadian Blood Services launched a new, interactive website today with improved navigation capabilities, content and a section dedicated to journalists.

For instant access to the virtual media room, click on journalists for current information that better represents the depth and diversity of Canadian Blood Services’ important role as a partner and service provider in health care, including:

  • Backgrounders on programs and policies
  • Frequently asked questions on topics of interest in recent media
  • Photo and video assets  available for download
  • Access to the Canadian Blood Services logo and guidelines for use
  • National news releases and web statements
  • An ‘easy button’ for RSS feeds to stay up to date with Canadian Blood Services

With over 270,000 visitors per month, is an important connection point for donors and stakeholders across the country.  From the homepage, all visitors can monitor the national blood inventory, download Canadian Blood Services’ GiveBlood app and meet some inspiring individuals who have personally benefitted from the generosity of Canadian blood donors.

And there’s more to come on! Canadian Blood Services will continue to add functionality and content to the site and that’s why the organization wants to hear from you.  Please take a few minutes to tour through the new and share your feedback using the red feedback button located on the right-hand-side of every page..

Follow along for more updates on Twitter and Facebook using the hashtag #BloodRefresh