Canadian Blood Services hosts 8th Annual Corporate Supporters’ Luncheon

Canadian Blood Services’ executive management team hosted the 8th Annual Corporate Supporter’s Luncheon at head office in Ottawa on March 28, to celebrate the many corporations who support the work of Canadian Blood Services through financial giving.  

“Canadian Blood Services relies on many different kinds of donors to help give life to Canadian patients,” said Dr. Graham Sher, in his welcome address. “Financial donors play an incredibly important role in our work. We rely on financial donations to help fund areas of our work that enhance the quality of the lives of so many Canadian patients and their loved ones.


Graham Sher standing in behind a podium speaking at the 8th Annual Corporate Supporters’ Luncheon

Dr. Graham Sher, CEO, Canadian Blood Services


Group of people mingling at the 8th Annual Corporate Supporters’ Luncheon

 Corporate donors to Canadian Blood Services fund programs and projects that help improve patient outcomes.

At this year’s luncheon, an updated corporate donor wall was unveiled, highlighting financial support from organizations accumulative since 1998. Skelton Truck Lines and Toyota Canada Inc. were honoured for their multi-year commitments, supporting the cord blood bank, the testing laboratory in Brampton and other priority areas. 


Tony Kelly and Graham Sher holding up an award for Toyota Canada at the 8th Annual Corporate Supporters’ Luncheon

LTR: Dr. Graham Sher, CEO, Canadian Blood Services, Tony Kelly, Vice President, Customer Service, Toyota Canada


Mike Skelton, and Ron Skelton Graham Sher holding up an award for Skelton Truck Lines at the 8th Annual Corporate Supporters’ Luncheon

LTR: Mike Skelton, Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer, Skelton Truck Lines, Dr. Graham Sher, CEO, Canadian Blood Services and Ron Skelton, Vice President, Skelton Truck Lines

Corporate representatives in attendance heard an inspiring presentation from Becky Littau, who has seen firsthand the role Canadian Blood Services plays in the lives of Canadian patients and their families. Becky’s late husband Dustin received over 150 units of blood during his treatment for cancer,21 of which were on his last day of life.

“We never understood or imagined the amount of blood one person could use and because of this we want to do our part to help replenish the stock of blood we know Dustin received and hopefully the next person fighting can win their battle,” said Becky. “A big thank you to every one of you here today, because of your financial support you also helped give us the extra time we needed with Dustin.”


Becky Littau standing in behind a podium speaking at the Corporate Luncheon

Becky Littau and her family have organized fundraisers, stem cell swabbing events at local high schools and blood donor drives as part of the #DonateForDustin movement. ​

As a registered Canadian charity, financial contributions to Canadian Blood Services support lifesaving programs and initiatives in four areas: blood, stem cells, organs and tissues, and research and innovation.

There are many ways to support Canadian Blood Services through financial giving.