How to give

No matter how you choose to give, every dollar of your gift will help us provide lifesaving products and services for Canadian patients. As a financial donor, you’ll help us realize our vision to help every patient, match every need and serve every Canadian.

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Make a personal gift

You’ll feel good knowing that just like blood, plasma or stem cells, your financial donation helps save lives. You can make a one-time gift or help us meet the increasing needs of tomorrow by donating monthly

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Host your own community fundraising event 

Community barbeques, sporting events and personal milestones can be great ways to integrate a fundraising component in support of patients. Easily create your online fundraiser and rally your friends, family and community together to help save lives.

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Donate in honour

Give in tribute to someone going through a difficult health journey, honour the memory of someone special or mark someone’s birthday or milestone with a financial gift.  
Giving is made easy with our online donation form, and you have the option to send a card with your gift. You can also give in honour as a group by joining our Partners for Life program.

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Request memorial donations 

Honour the life of a loved one by requesting memorial donations to Canadian Blood Services in lieu of flowers. We will work directly with your family or funeral service provider to ensure these special gifts help make a difference in the lives of patients in need. 

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Amplify your impact​

Are you planning a blood or plasma event in your community or as part of a Partners for Life team? Consider adding a fundraising component to your next donation, fundraise as a group, or see if your employer will match your volunteer hours spent in the donor centre.

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Build a corporate culture of giving

Help reach your organization’s corporate social responsibility goals and promote your corporate brand through your commitment to saving lives. Find out if your employer will match your charitable contributions, facilitate payroll deductions or honour your volunteer work or blood donations with a corporate gift.

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Leave a legacy

Leaving a gift to Canadian Blood Services in your will is another way to make helping patients part of your life story while still taking care of your loved ones. You can also name Canadian Blood Services as a beneficiary of your RRSP, RRIF or pension plan.

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Make a gift of publicly traded securities

Donate publicly traded securities, bonds and mutual funds, and take advantage of tax benefits.

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Donate your car 

Donate your car, truck, boat, RV or motorcycle to Canadian Blood Services through Donate A Car Canada. All proceeds from the sale of your vehicle will go towards supporting patients.