Stories: Canadian Blood Services

Showing 41 - 50 of 271 results

What really happens to your blood donation? This doc asked, and we answered

December 2, 2022
After donating blood for the first time, Dr. Siobhan Deshauer filmed a visit to our biggest production facility

Give 3 in 2023: Margaret, stem cell recipient and financial donor

December 2, 2022
After a stem cell donor saved her life, Margaret is passionate about helping others

Give 3 in 2023: Munira, blood recipient, with her family

November 30, 2022
Blood donors are central to Munira’s story of surviving three different cancers

What blood types are and what they mean for you

November 3, 2022
A helpful guide on what blood types are and answers to some common questions.

Plasma donors fuel a sign language teacher’s dreams

September 21, 2022
Plasma donations have enabled Christina Moreau to keep building bridges between the worlds of the hearing and the deaf

O-positive blood donors helped this newborn survive

August 18, 2022
Cleo Maxwell received a lifesaving blood transfusion after losing half her blood volume during pregnancy

Travelling blood donor raises awareness across the country

July 29, 2022
Nick Evans is combining his love of discovering new places with his passion for blood donation

Cord blood donation is another way to save lives for this Ontario family

July 28, 2022
Dominika Randell and her husband Andreas have also joined the stem cell registry, and they donate blood regularly

Saving lives while inspiring the next generation of blood donors

July 22, 2022
A half century ago, a committed blood donor motivated Henry Proske to start giving. Now it’s his turn to inspire.

Furry special guests bring joy and comfort to blood donors

July 20, 2022
Nervous about donating blood? Andrew Moss has helped bring puppy love to mobile donor events in Nova Scotia