organ and tissue donation and transplantation

"Countless lives will be saved because of that one conversation Logan had with his family," writes Dr. Graham Sher. On Green Shirt Day, we urge you to honour the legacy of this young man by registering as a donor in your province and having the conversation with your loved ones.

(OTTAWA) – First ever Canadian guidelines for pediatric deceased donation published

Call to Action recommends fundamental system change for Canadians June 20, 2012 (OTTAWA) – Canadian Blood Services today released Call to Action, a blueprint for the national strategy on organ and tissue donation and transplantation developed on behalf of the OTDT community in Canada. Call to Action is an integrated, cost-shared plan that identifies gaps in the current Canadian system and provides a set of 25 recommendations focused on sustained, breakthrough performance in this country. In 2008, the federal, provincial and territorial ministries of health (except Québec) recognized the need